Lighter than Air, in more ways than one.

Eva Grisak

She always sees the best in people, despite the many hardships of her past. They say the strongest souls are those who remain kind, even after facing immeasurable tragedy.


Eva always has something to smile about and her insatiable curiosity makes conversations with her constantly engaging. However, she is not the smartest Miqo'te in the world, and will take misunderstandings to a new level, taking anything that is said to her at face value. Eva is overbearingly compassionate, bubbly, and adventurous. There will never be a dull moment around this goofy Miqo'te girl.
The only thing that might put a damper in her step is mention of her parents, or her childhood. Go on, give it a try, make the catgirl cry.

Backstory and Childhood

Unbeknownst to her, Eva was borne to the unlikely relationship of a sympathetic Garlean conscript and a Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te woman. During the invasion of Gyr Abania, he warned resistance members of Garlean movements and secretly gave supplies to the Seeker tribes that the Garleans displaced. When Eva was born, the timing could not have been worse as Legatus Legionis Gaius van Baelsar ordered the XIVth Imperial Legion to invade Ala Mhigo. Before the assault, Eva's father carried her to safety, dropping her off at a small orphanage in Thanalan, before returning to Gyr Abania where he was likely executed for going AWOL. Eva's mother likely died during the invasion.Eva spent the earliest years of her childhood in an orphanage before being adopted by the Grisak family, a wealthy Hyuran clan who were a part of the lesser of the Ul'dahn Elite. At first, she was elated to be adopted finally, but soon discovered that the Grisaks only adopted her for their spoiled, abusive son. He was narcissistic, racist, and vicious, treating Eva like a plaything rather than his sister, and the parents neglected her to the point of locking her away in their manor because they were embarrassed of her Miqo'te heritage. Locked away in a mansion gave her plenty of time alone with her thoughts, and she spent many hours in the Grisak's personal library reading all sorts of books. Her favorites were the ones that depicted brave adventurers who travelled the world to explore and help those in need.
During the events of the Seventh Umbral Calamity and the chaos that took over the realm, teenager Eva took the opportunity to run away from home, taking a small amount of supplies and stealing a lance from the Grisak's personal guard. She took off towards Gridania, closer to the chaos, in hopes that any pursuers would be running the opposite direction, and her story truly begins.


Eva works as a freelance adventurer, having learned swordsmanship from a mysterious stranger travelling the many lands of Eorzea. She is incredibly gifted in any skill requiring muscle memory and practice, and quickly became an expert swordswoman. Eva is unable to control her plethora of aether due to her Garlean heritage, but her skills in physical combat more than make up for that deficiency. Her friendly demeanor, unmatched martial prowess, and eagerness to help has made her an invaluable asset to the various Eorzean Grand Companies and she is constantly travelling the world to help others and make new friends!

Hi, hows it going it's me the person who made Eva, Ehri and Kristin. I don't really wanna share too much about myself but ay yo u got games on ur phone? Uhhhhh Here's what I'm looking for rp-wise:

  • Medium-high effort RP. Paragraph format preferred, short-form is totally fine for quick dialogue exchanges and whatnot! Try to keep it engaging!

  • Open to all forms of RP including Mature content and ERP

  • Flings and one-night stands and friends with benefits type relationships are open season, I am not currently open to developing an IC relationship for Eva.

  • Please try to separate IC from OOC interactions, if one of my characters is rude or mean to yours that does not mean I am being rude or mean to you. Please be reasonable.

  • In game rp is preferred, because I think my characters are pretty and I like looking at them, but I am open to discord rp!

Ehri Kagon

Banished from her tribe for failing a ceremonial hunt, allowing her mother and brother to be slaughtered by her prey, and being touched by the sun, this angry rebel Steppe warrior now roams Eorzea as a shadow for hire. Eva broke through to her and reminded her of the joys in life, softening her heart and allowing Ehri to let go of her past and enjoy her new life in an unfamiliar land.

Kristin Ymir

Kristin left her tribe, Ymir, to accompany her adventurous sister whom she cared about more than anything. She is highly critical of the ways of the Eorzeans, deeming them as inferior to the Viera tribes she came from, at least, until she met Eva. The green-haired Miqo'te helped Kristin loosen up and exposed her to the joys of exploration and adventure.